Living, healing and thriving after covert abuse.
Nonprofit WomenSV raises coercive control awareness
May 17 2024

nonprofit womensv raises awareness around coercive control and covert abuse

Nonprofit organizations play a crucial role in addressing social issues that often go unnoticed. WomenSV (Women of Silicon Valley) is one such organization, dedicated to raising awareness about the subtle forms of domestic abuse, including coercive control and covert abuse. Founded by Ruth Darlene, this Los Altos-based nonprofit is making significant strides in educating communities, professionals, and institutions about these insidious forms of abuse. Through their extensive outreach programs, educational resources, and specialized training sessions, WomenSV aims to create a supportive environment for survivors and work towards ending the cycle of domestic violence.

Understanding Coercive Control and Covert Abuse

What is Coercive Control?

Coercive control refers to a pattern of behavior by an abuser that aims to dominate and manipulate their partner. Unlike physical abuse, coercive control involves psychological manipulation, financial control, isolation, and other tactics to maintain power over the victim. This form of abuse is insidious and can be challenging to recognize because it often occurs gradually and is embedded in everyday interactions.

Recognizing Covert Abuse

Covert abuse is another subtle form of domestic violence that includes emotional and psychological manipulation. Unlike overt abuse, which is obvious and often physical, covert abuse is hidden and can involve tactics such as gaslighting, passive-aggressive behavior, and undermining the victim's confidence. It’s a form of abuse that leaves no visible scars but can be equally, if not more, damaging over time.

The Mission and Vision of WomenSV

Raising Awareness and Educating Communities

WomenSV's mission is to raise awareness about coercive control and covert abuse, educating the community on how to recognize and address these forms of domestic violence. By providing comprehensive educational resources on their website and social media platforms, WomenSV ensures that information is accessible to a broad audience. Their goal is to foster an informed community that can identify and support survivors of abuse.

Specialized Training for Professionals

One of the standout initiatives of WomenSV is their specialized training for various professionals, including doctors, therapists, court staff, and law enforcement. These training sessions are designed to help professionals recognize the signs of coercive control and covert abuse, enabling them to provide better support and intervention for survivors. Understanding the nuances of these forms of abuse is crucial for those in positions to offer help and protection.

Educational outreach

Preventing domestic violence begins with education, and WomenSV is committed to reaching the younger generation through their educational outreach to teachers, students, and schools. By incorporating lessons on healthy relationships, recognizing abuse, and understanding consent, these programs aim to equip students with the knowledge to identify and prevent abusive behaviors from an early age.

Founder Ruth Darlene's Vision

A Personal Commitment to Change

Ruth Darlene, the founder of WomenSV, has dedicated her life to addressing domestic violence in all its forms. Her vision for WomenSV is rooted in her personal experiences and commitment to supporting survivors. She believes in the power of education and community involvement as essential tools in combating coercive control and covert abuse.

Creating a Supportive Environment

WomenSV strives to create supportive communities where survivors feel safe and empowered to seek help. This involves not only providing direct support to survivors but also working towards systemic change by educating those who can make a difference in the lives of victims.

Impact of WomenSV’s Work

Success Stories and Survivor Testimonials

The impact of WomenSV's work can be seen in the success stories and testimonials from survivors who have benefited from their programs and resources. These stories highlight the transformative power of support and education in helping individuals escape abusive situations and rebuild their lives.

Community Outreach and Partnerships

WomenSV actively engages with the community through outreach programs and partnerships. By collaborating with local agencies, schools, and community groups, WomenSV extends their reach and reinforces their mission of raising awareness and preventing domestic violence.

Challenges in Addressing Coercive Control and Covert Abuse

Overcoming Societal Barriers

One of the significant challenges in addressing coercive control and covert abuse is overcoming societal barriers and misconceptions. Many people still view domestic violence through the lens of physical abuse, making it difficult to recognize and address the more subtle forms. WomenSV works tirelessly to change these perceptions through education and advocacy.


"Safety planning never stops for survivors," says Ruth Darlene, who emphasizes that safety planning is vital for survivors before, during and after escaping an abusive relationship. Coercive control is a significant lethality risk, and sophisticated abusers have a variety of resources at their disposal. For safety's sake, WomenSV conducts its operations online and hosts multiple safety planning guides on its website.

Future Goals and Initiatives

Expanding Educational Programs

WomenSV aims to expand their educational programs to reach more schools and communities. By broadening the scope of their outreach, they hope to instill a deeper understanding of coercive control and covert abuse in future generations.

Enhancing Professional Training

The nonprofit plans to enhance their professional training programs, ensuring that more doctors, therapists, court staff, and law enforcement officers are equipped with the knowledge to recognize and address these forms of abuse. Continuous improvement and adaptation of training materials are essential to keep up with evolving understanding and strategies.

Increasing Community Involvement

Engaging more community members in their mission is another goal for WomenSV. By increasing community involvement, they hope to build a network of informed and proactive individuals who can support survivors and advocate for change.


What is WomenSV? WomenSV (Women of Silicon Valley) is a nonprofit organization based in Los Altos, dedicated to raising awareness about coercive control and covert abuse. They provide educational resources, professional training, and community outreach programs to support survivors and prevent domestic violence.

How does WomenSV raise awareness about coercive control? WomenSV raises awareness through educational resources on their website and social media, specialized training for professionals, and outreach programs in schools and communities. They aim to educate people on recognizing and addressing these subtle forms of abuse.

What types of training does WomenSV offer? WomenSV offers specialized training for doctors, therapists, court staff, law enforcement officers, and other professionals. These training sessions focus on recognizing the signs of coercive control and covert abuse, enabling professionals to provide better support and intervention for survivors. WomenSV also publishes free training resources online to help advocates and allies recognize and address subtle forms of abuse. Check out their domestic violence advocate training for covert abuse and coercive control!

Who can benefit from WomenSV’s educational programs? WomenSV’s educational programs are designed for a wide audience, including advocates, allies, survivors and the general community. These programs aim to educate people about healthy relationships, recognizing abuse, and understanding consent, helping to prevent domestic violence from an early age.

What impact has WomenSV had on the community? WomenSV has made a significant impact through their educational resources, professional training, and community outreach programs. Success stories and testimonials from survivors highlight the positive changes brought about by their support and educational efforts.

What are WomenSV’s future goals? WomenSV aims to expand their educational programs, enhance professional training, and increase community involvement. Their long-term goal is to create a supportive environment for survivors and work towards ending the cycle of domestic violence through education and advocacy.

WomenSV's efforts to raise awareness around coercive control and covert abuse are crucial in addressing the often-overlooked aspects of domestic violence. Through comprehensive education, specialized training, and community outreach, WomenSV is making a significant difference in the lives of survivors and working towards creating a safer, more informed society. The dedication and vision of Ruth Darlene and her team are paving the way for a future where subtle forms of abuse are recognized, addressed, and prevented, ultimately breaking the cycle of violence.